G.S.Science, Arts & Commerce College, Khamgaon
Vidarbha Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Reaccredited by NAAC with Snowgrade CGPA (3.08)


Affiliated to
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati.
College code : 301
Course Outcome, Program Specific Outcome and Porogram Outcome of BSc 
Program codeProgram NameCourse codeCourse NameYear of introductionCourse OutcomeProgram Specific OutcomeProgram Outcome
1S-PHY1S-PHY2011-121. Understand the terminology used in Classical Mechanics, Planetary motion, Gravitational laws, Simple harmonic motion, wave motion, Elasticity & Kinematics of moving fluids.
2. Employ conceptual understanding to make predictions, and then approach the problem mathematically.
3. Understand the important connections between theory and experiment. 
1. Students are expected to acquire core knowledge of major topics of physics.
2. It is expected that the Students should develop a communication skills in communicating physics phenomenon and basic principles.
3. It is expected that the Students should learn the ways and methods to design and conduct an experiment demonstrating various physics concepts.
4. It is expected that the Students should realize impact of physics and science on overall development of the society and develop an understanding of the impact of physics and science on society & apply the conceptual understanding of the physics to general real-world situations.
The programme aims to develop the following abilities in students:
1. To impart skills required to gather information from resources and use them.
2. To give need based education in Science of the highest quality at the undergraduate level.
3. To perform experiments and interpret the results of observation.
4. To provide an intellectually stimulating environment to develop skills and enthusiasms of students to the best of their potential.
5. Use of ICT in understanding the concepts and collecting the knowledge.
2S-PHY2S-PHY2011-121. Understand the concepts in Kinetic theory of Gases, Thermodynamics, Liquefaction of Gases, Motion of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic fields, Electrical Network Theorems & ac current.
2. Understand the importance of these topics in real world.
3S-PHY3S PHY2012-131. Understand the concepts in Mathematical Physics and Elecrostatics, Magnetostatics and Electrodynomics (Maxwell’s Equation0, Solid State Electronics Devices- Physics of semiconductors, Electronic devices- like: BJT, FET, Op-Amp etc., Special Theory of Relativity, Atmosphere and Geophysics.
2. Understands the importance of these concepts and phenomena in real life practices.
4S-PHY4S PHY2012-131. Understand the concepts in Geometrical optics and interference, Diffraction, Polarisation.
2.   Also understands conceptual ideas of Laser, fiber optics & basics of the Renewable Energy Source.
3. Understands the importance of these concepts & phenomena and its applications to practical world.
5S-PHY5S-PHY2013-141. Understand the basics of the Origin of Quantum Mechanics, Development of Schrödinger’s equation, Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Nuclear Physics, introduction to Hybrid parameters and Amplifiers, feedback and oscillators.
2. Importance of these concepts and connection between theory & practical and applications to practical devices & systems.
6S-PHYStatistical Mechanics And Solid State Physics2013-141. Understands the basics of the Statistical Mechanics, MB, BE & FD Statastical distributions, Crystallography, Electrical properties & magnetic properties of the materials, Nanoscience & nanotechnology and Superconductivity.
2. Understands the connection between theory & practical.
3. Understands the practical applications of these concepts in real world.
1S-CHE1S Chemistry2011-121) Will learn periodicity in properties of main group elements and ionic bonding 
2) Will be able to understand electronic displacement effeccts, reactive intermediates and chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons
3) Will learn fundamentals of thermodynamics, first and second law of thermodynamics. 
4) Will learn Kinetic theory of gases and gas laws
5) Phase rulea nd its application to one component system.
Students will acquire basic knowledge of chemistry.
They will know various principles governing chemical reactions which are important in industry and daily life.
They understand fundamental and basic concepts of organic, in-organic, physical and analytical chemistry.
They will get familiarized about mechanistic approach of various organic and inorganic reactions.
They learn to apply practical aspects of chemistry by means of qualitative, quantitative and instrumental methods.
2S-CHEM2s Chemistry2011-121) Will learn rules of polarisability and concept of covalent bonding.
2)Theories of acids and bases.
3) Chemistry of pblock elements
4) Chemistry of nonaqueous solvets
5) Chemistry of organics compounds conating halogen and oxygen like alkenyl and aryl halides, alcohols, ethers, epoxides and phenol.
6) Physical properties and relation to molecular structure
7) Fundamentals of chemical kinetics
3S-CHE3S Chemistry2012-131) Postulates of MO theory, LCAO approximation and aplication of MO theory for simple homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. 
2) Mettalic bonding and VSEPR theory for molecular stucture 
3) Theory of volumetric and gravimetric quantitative analysis.
4) Organic chemistry of aldehydes, ketones, and carboxyllic acids.
5) Stereochemistry of organic compounds especially optical, geometrical and conformational isomerism.
6) Thermodyanmic equilibrium with reference to Gibbs and Helmholtz fre energy.
7) Phase equilibria for partialy miscible and imiscible liquids
8) Surface tension, Viscosity and electrolytic conductance measurments and application. 
4S-CHE4s Chemistry2012-131) Chemistry of d- block  and f block elements.
2) Principles involved in extraction of elements and general principle sof metallurgy
3) Chemistry of polynuclear hydrocarbon,recative methylene compounds and carbohydrates
4) Chemistry of nitro and amino copunds
5) Colligaitive properties and Crystal state  
5S-CHE5S Chemistry2013-141) Various theories of bonding for coordination compounds like Werners, VBT, CFT
2) Isoemrism  and electronic spectra of complexes.
3) Chemistry of heterocyclic and organomettalic compounds.
4) Chemistry of dyes, drugs and pesticides.
5) Principles of photochemistry, quantum yield and luminescence.
6) Principles of molecular spectroscopy.
6S-CHE6s Chemistry2013-141) Kinetic Aspects of Metal Complexes
2) Spectrophotometry, Colorimetry and chromatographic analytical methods.
3) Chemistry of metal carbonyls, inorganic polymers and essiential elements.
4) UV, IR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy for structure elucidation of organic compounds.
5) Elementary quantum mechanics and Schrodinger wave eqaution
6) Electrochemical Cells and priciples of nuclear chemistry.
1S MTH Algebra and Trigonometry2011-12Get clear about various type of Number system, meaning of mapping from one object to another object. Expansion of various types of series. They learn the structure, nature of matrices and help to solve various linear equations After successful completion of this Programme, the student will demonstrate basic knowledge in each of the following:
1. Students will be able to select and utilize appropriate mathematical technology with which to analyze mathematical problems in a wide variety of areas.
2. Students will be able to make rigorous mathematical arguments including how to both prove and disprove conjectures.
3. Student will be able to construct multiple representations for selected topics from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, matrices and linear transformation.
4. Students will be able to use the concepts of Analysis in solving problems. The fundamental concepts include sets, numbers, functions, and convergence.
5. Students will be able to use the concepts of Algebra in solving problems. The fundamental concepts include equations, numbers, and algebraic structures.
6. Students will be able to use the concepts of sequence, series, number theory in various competitive exam
1S MTH Differential and Integral Calculus2011-12A mathematical relationship in which a quantity (dependent variable) depends on or is determined by another quantity (independent variable) or quantities. The dependent variable is said to be a function of the independent variable(s). Rolle's  theorem asserts the existence of a point where the derivative vanishes.  Integration helps to find the area of various geometrical structures
2S MTH Differential Equations: Ordinary and Partial2011-12Explain formation & nature of differential equation.  Get various methods to obtain curves (solution) of  ODE & PDE differential equation
2S MTH Vector Analysis and Solid Geometry2011-12A quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another.  Mathematical formulation (Equation) of different structure like Sphere , Cone, Cylinder
3S MTH Paper-VAdvanced Calculus2012-13Help to Study the special type of map whose domain is set of Natural number i.e. Sequence,  Various type of test to solve the Series. A determinant whose constituents are the derivatives of a number of functions    uvw,…) with respect to each of the same number of variables ( xyz, …).
3S MTH Number Theory2012-13Study of various operation , relation between numbers. Like gcd , lcm. Counting technique to find the numbers coprime to given number.  Counting technique to find the total  numbers which are divisor to given number
4S MTH Modern Algebra : groups & rings2012-13Dihedral groups arise frequently in art and nature. Many of the decorative designs used on floor coverings, pottery, and buildings have one of the dihedral groups as a group of symmetry. Study of various mapping on groups like homomorphism, one- one, onto.
4S MTH Classical Mechanics2012-13Additionally classical mechanics has many important applications in other areas of science, such as Astronomy. Describing the motion of a point mass in a central  field of force. The most important example being the Kepler problem.  Derives langrage’s equation
5S MTHMathematical Analysis2013-14Study of various operators like beta, gamma function. Study of continuity & differentiability of complex function. Study of set theory in sense of metric spaces.
5S MTH Mathematical Methods2013-14This gives study of Legendre, Bessel’s polynomials, and its mathematical formulation. Introduce new operator Laplace, Fourier transforms. Its application to solve differential equation. Study of Periodic ,odd, even function & its period.
6S MTH Linear Algebra2013-14Gives brief  construction of vector space form on field. Give idea to find LD, LI, Basis, Dimension  of vector spaces. Formation of matrix with the help of linear transformation.
6S MTH Graph Theory2013-14Graph theoretical concepts are widely used to study and model various applications, in different areas. They include, study of molecules, construction of bonds in chemistry and the study of atoms. Study of planer , nonplaner graphs,Euler graph , Hamilton graph, circuit, trees. Finding a minimum spanning tree. Obtain Various type of matrices from given graph
1S – BOTDiversity & Applications of Microbes and Cryptogams2011-12After completion of this Course, the student will able to develop the following outcomes:
1. Students are expected to familiarize with the   morphological and systematic knowledge about  different plant groups including Algae, fungi, Bryophyte and Pteridophyte etc. They will be able to make use of this knowledge for detailed study in other disciplines.
2. The study would be able to know about different algal and fungal groups around them, their symbiotic association, and  economic importance.
3. Students would be able to distinguish between different Taxa of  Mastigomycotina,Ascomycota,  Basidiomycota and Deuteromycotina.They will be become familiar with edible and poisonous fungi and their association with trees.
4. Students understanding the role of microbes in different field.
5. Industry, Food and Agriculture etc.
6. The students will be able to understand the vast diversity of  bacteria and Viruses in relation to Structure,nutrition and Reproduction
After completion of this Programme, the student will demonstrate basic knowledge in each of the following:
1. Students will able to develop knowledge about Characteristics of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Characteristics and life cycles of the some genera  ofAlgae, Fungi,bryophyte,   Pteridophyte and Gymnosperm and  Angiosperms.
2. Students will be able to identify the major groups of organisms with an emphasis on plants and be able to classify them within a phylogenetic framework.
3. Students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of plants, algae, fungi, Bryophyte, Pteridophyte, Gymnosperm and Angiosperm that differentiate them from each other and from other forms of life.
4. Students will be able to explain how organisms function at the level of the gene, genome, cell, tissue, organ and organ-system.
5. Students will be able to explicate the ecological interconnectedness of life on earth by tracing energy and nutrient flows through the environment. They will be able to relate the physical features of the environment to the structure of populations, communities, and ecosystems.
6. This programme provides an introduction to Genetics, Cell biology, Physiology, Metabolism, Plant tissue culture and Molecular biology of plants.
7. Drawing upon this knowledge, they will be able to give specific  examples of the physiological adaptations, development, reproduction and behavior of different forms of life.
8. Students aslo able to know Structure and development of angiosperms,  growth regulation and growth responses in angiosperms.
9. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the experimental techniques and methods of analysis appropriate for their area of specialization within BOT.
2S–BOTGymnosperm, Morphology of Angiosperms and Utilization of Plants2011-121. After studying this course students will develop better understanding of  the Concept of  Fossilization. Students will be expected to know about the general characteristics of  Gymnosperms and their affinities with Pteridophyte andAngiosperms..
2. Through this course students will get the better opportunity to understand the plants taught in theory, their morphological features through preserved specimens and slides.
3. Students would get the knowledge about all morphological parts of the plant.
4. Students also get knowledge about utilization of plants in spices, timber, medicine and firewood.
3S – BOTAngiosperm Systematics, Anatomy & Embryology2012-131. Students are expected to learn about the history of Plant Systematics and its role in classification. They are able to make use of this knowledge for the identification and grouping of different plants based on the anatomy.
2. Students are expected to learn about classification on the basis of anatomical difference into different groups.
3. Student will understand basic anatomical concepts of Primary Structure of Root, Stem, Leaf and Flower. They will beable to discuss the idea of secondary growth.
4. Student will be able to understand the Tissues Arrangement in Root, Stem, Leaf and Secondary Plant Body.
5. Student will get knowledge about formation of male and Female gametes, their fusion, development of embryo, formation of seed and endosperm
4S – BOTCell Biology, Genetics And Biochemistry2012-131. On successful completion of this course students will be able to describe, apply and integrate the basic concepts of Cell Biology Genetics and Biochemistry, Structure and Functions of different Organelles.
2. Students will be able to understand the structure, types and aberration of chromosome.
3. students will be able to understand gene interaction and  develope skill to solve genetical problem
4. Students will acquire knowledge about gene mutation, linkage and crossing over etc.
5.  Students will be able to understand different types of enzyme and their mechanism of action.
6. Students are expected to have awareness about Structural and Functional Strategies of Biomolecule like Carbohydrate
5S – BOTPlant Physiology And Ecology2013-141. The aim is to give the students increased knowledge about plant water relation, physiology, metabolism and ecology.
2. Students are expected to have an understanding about the plant response to different stimuli and plant movement.
3. Students will be able to understand plant growth mechanism, role of growth hormonesin plant development.
4. The students will have an understanding about various factor of environment and their impact on plant growth and development.
5. Student will also understand the structure and function of ecosystem.
6S – BOTMolecular Biology And Biotechnology2013-141. Students are expected to have knowledge about genetic material.i.e. DNA, RNA etc.
2.  Students are expected to have an understanding about the recombinant DNA technology, protein synthesis, protein sorting, cloning techniques to construct genomic libraries and a broad view about cloning vector types and strategies.
3. Students are expected to have knowledge about parameters involved in gene transfer techniques.
4. At the end of the course the students should be able to understand the different techniques used in Plant Tissue Culture including Plant Micro propagation, Callus and Suspension Culture and their Applications.
5. The students will have an understanding about the functioning of various equipment’s used in Tissue Culture Work.
1S-ZOOLife And Diversity Of Non-Chordata2011-12Student will learn basic knowledge of Animal Kingdom through its classification and   evolution of life. They will also learn various systems organized through a well-controlled and   developed mechanism.PSO1: Students will acquire knowledge about various Phyla in animal kingdom.
PSO2: Student will learn life and diversity of nonchordata and chordata.
PSO3: Students will learn basics of cell and developmental biology
PSO4: Students willlearn concepts in animal physiology and animal ecology.
PSO5: Students willget an essence of molecular biology and biotechnology
2S-ZOOCell And Developmental Biology2011-12To learn basics and   fundamentals of life by studying cell, its organelles and   their functions. They will also learn preliminary ideas of fertilization and   development of life.
3S-ZOOLife And Diversity Of Chordata And Concept Of Evolution2012-13To learn life and   diversity of animals other than lower animals. In addition to this, To learn evolution of life from a unicellular life to a multicellular organism.
4S-ZOOAdvanced Genetics And Animal Ecology2012-13To learn modern and    advance developments in the field of genetics; biotic and    abiotic factors with their interaction to ecosystem.
5S-ZOOAnimal Physiology And Economic Zoology2013-14To learn physiological processes, their coordination, control and    mechanism of working. They will also learn applied and   economic aspects of modern zoology by studying various cultures in the field of agriculture and aquaculture.
6S-ZOOMolecular Biology And Biotechnology2013-141. Students are expected to have knowledge about genetic material.i.e. DNA, RNA etc.
2.  Students are expected to have an understanding about the recombinant DNA technology, protein synthesis, protein sorting, cloning techniques to construct genomic libraries and a broad view about cloning vector types and strategies.
3. Students are expected to have knowledge about parameters involved in gene transfer techniques.
4. At the end of the course the students should be able to understand the different techniques used in Animal Tissue Culture and their Applications.
5. The students will have an understanding about the functioning of various equipment’s used in Tissue Culture Work.
1S-ETCBasics of ETC2011-12Will be able to understand the principles and constructions of electrical and electronic components. Students can recognize the components and their uses in ETC circuits.Students will acquire knowledge of fundamentals of ETC, basic gates, basic building blocks, design principles of circuits and working of  it. Will be able to know applications of  electronic circuits in instrumentation. Student will learn architecture and working of microprocessors and mocrocontroller. Student will learn concepts of programming in assembly language and machine language for them. Will be able to learn about various methods of electrical/ electronic communication and their sytems. 
2S-ETCDigital Electronics2011-12Will be able to undersatand the fundamental constructional knowledge of digital electronics  and its applications for developing different digital systems.   
3S-ETCElectronic Devices and Circuits2012-13Will be able to understand the principles and working of electronics devices. Students becomes familiar with the working of electronics circuits and their applications in different areas. 
4S-ETCCommunication Electronics & Microprocessor 80852012-13Will be able to learn the construction of circuits, choose and apply the techniques, resources required for electronic communication and system applications. Students will also understand architecture of 8085 microprocessor and programming in ALP and MLP.
5S-ETCMeasuring Instruments2013-14Will be able to understand the principles and working of electronics instrumentation and medical equipments. Students become well known with operations of electronics equipments and their applications in electronics lab. 
6S-ETCAdvance Microprocessor and Microcontroller2013-14Will be able to understand the principles and working of microprocessor  8086 and microcontroller 8051. Students become able to prepare programs in microprocessor and microcontroller. 
1S:CPSFundamentals of Information Technology and C Programming2017-18CO1: To understand the fundamentals of Computer system.
CO2: To know the working of I/O devices, Memory and its
CO3: To know basics of OS and Network and its types.
CO4: To understand Network Topology.                             
CO5: To understand Internet, its working                       
CO6: To undrstand fundamentals of programming languages.
CO7: To undersatand and able to write the algorithms, draw flowcharts and develope programs in c language.
PSO1: Students will acquire the knowledge of Computer System.  
PSO2: Student will study about  Component of Computer.    
PSO3: Students will acquire the knowledge generation of computer, types of computer.  
PSO4: Student will learn web page design using HTML.           
PSO5: Student will learn programming languages such as c, C++, vb to design of small application programmes.      
PSO6: Student will learn various database, design of database.       
PSO7: Student will learn SQL & concepts programming in  PL/SQL.
PSO8: Student will learn .NET
framework and programming in VB.
PSO9: Student will learn OOP .
PSO10: Student will learn programming in Java
2S:CPSWeb Technology and Advanced programming in C2017-18CO1: To understand the history of Markup Languages.        
CO2: To introduce to HTML and its structure.                   
CO3: To understand Elements, attributes, Tags of HTML.
CO4: To undersatand XML, DTD. CSS with XML.             
CO5: To understand Use of Array, Pointers in C.                 
CO6: To understand String functions, Functions in C.           
CO7: To study structures and union in C, file handling in C. 
3S:CPSData Structure and C++2018-19CO1: To understand the concept and types of data structure.
CO2: To understand operations on Data structure.             
CO3: To understand Queue,binary tree and operations on it.
CO4: To understand Object Oriented Programming:      
CO5: To study features,advantages & applications of oops.
CO6: To understand Functions in C++, Operator Overloading, Inheritance:
4S:CPSRDBMS and PL/SQL2018-19CO1: To understand DBMS, its Architecture & Models
CO2: To understand E-R diagrams, Normalization.       
CO3: To understand SQL, DDL, DML Commands.      
CO4: To know Numeric, Character functions in SQL.          
CO5: To understand features & block structure of PL/SQL.
CO6: To understand Cursor, Transaction in PLSQL, Securities of Database
5S:CPS. Net Technology and Java Programming2019-20CO1: To understand .NET frame work.                              
CO2: To understand Programming Environment of VB.       
CO3: To understand Controls, Menus, Oprators in VB.     
CO4: To understand fundamentals of Java, Classes.          
CO5: To understand inheritance,String, Package & Interface.
6S:CPSAdvanced Java and VB.net2019-20CO1: To understand Excep. Handling & Multithreading
CO2: To understand implimentation of Applet in Java.          
CO3: To understand Event Handling and AWT in Java. 
CO4: To understand Windows Applications of VB.NET,
CO5: To understand Objects, Data Access with ADO.Net
1S-STS1S-STATISTICS2017-18The students will be able to understand basic knowledge of statistics. Students will be able to apply Theory of Probability and Ramdom Variables and Mathematical Expectations to various statistical distributions.After succesful completion of the program, students will be able to understand statistics, scope of statistics.Will be able to understand data types, data presentation and various measures of statistical tools. Will be able to apply different analytical tools and techniques to data.Will be able to apply sampling tools to acquire and analyze data.
2S-STS2S-STATISTICS2017-18The students will be able to understand the Correlation and Regression Analysis. Will eb able to have knowledge of Discrete and Continuous Probability Distribution.
3S-STS3S-STATISTICS2018-19The students will be able to understand Indian Applied Statistical System. They will be able to apply the concept of estimation and testing of hypothesis and drawing a sample from distribution
4S-STS4S-STATISTICS2018-19The student will be able to understand the Sampling Distributions theory and non parametric test.
5S-STS5S-STATISTICS2019-20The student able to understand Statistical Quality Control, basic economic and sampling theory.
6S-STS6S-STATISTICS2019-20The students get the knowledge of Optimization theory,  understand design of experiment and analysis of variance.
Comp. App.
1S : CPV1S:Basic of Computer & structured programming2017-18CO1: To learn the fundamentals of Computers, Memories and its type.
CO2: To learn I/O Devices,Number Systems,
CO3: To learn Operating Systems.
CO4: To know History & Structure of C program.
CO5: To be able to write Simple C programs. 
PSO1: Students will able to understand hardwares and softwares.
PSO2: Student will able to write programs in c language.
PSO3: Student will able to design the frontpage.
PSO4: Student will able to write  OOP programme using JAVA.
PSO5: Student will be able to design and use database.
PSO6: Student will able to use .Net Technology, will able to do PHP Programming
2S: CPV2S:Web Designing
2017-18CO1: To introduce the elements of communication system.    
CO2: To know the Concept of Network.                      
CO3: To understand OSI model.
CO4: To learn Structure of HTML, HTML tags and attributes.
CO5: To be able to write Simple  HTML of program.
CO6: To understand use of CSS with HTML, XML.
CO7: To understand DTD and its types, XML Schemas, Namespaces.
3S: CPV3S:JAVA Programming2018-19CO1: To introduce the Concept of OOP with JAVA.    
CO2: To understand Statements and Methods of JAVA
CO3: To understand Classes,objects, Array and Packages.
CO4: To understand Multithreading & exception Handling.
CO5: To understand Applet Programming.
4S : CPV 4S:RDBMS2018-19CO1: To introduce DBMS and Normalization.              
CO2: To understand the Components of SQL, Functions. 
CO3: To understand Joins and Data integrity.                
CO4: To understand PL/SQL, Cursors and Transaction.
CO5: To know the concept Security Concept, Privileges, Triggers and procedures. 
5S: CPV5S: .Net Technology2019-20CO1: To learn VB.NET framework and IDE Programming. 
CO2: To learn about  Multithreaded Programming.         
CO3:  To understand OOP and simple programs.           
CO4:  Data Access with ADO.Net
6S: CPV6S:PHP Programming2019-20CO1:To learn the concept and fundamentals of PHP.    
CO2:To understand operators and control Structures in PHP.
CO3: To understand prosssing of Array in PHP.        
CO4: To understand String Handling in PHP.                       
CO5: To understand Setting Cookies with PHP.   
1S: MCBFundamentals of Microbiology and Microbial Physiology2017-18To learn the analysis the relationship among the microbes1. Learners will understand the scope and historical developments in microbiology, characteristics
2 of different types of microorganisms and methods of their classification.
2. Students will understand ultra structure of bacterial cell. Explain the nutritional requirements
and mechanisms of their transportation in the cell.
3. Understand and use methods of visualizing microorganisms, controlling growth of
microorganisms, isolation of microorganisms.
4. Perform isolation and maintenance of bacterial cultures.5.Students understand the important classes of industrila micro organisms. 6. Study the type of fermentation as well as production of ethyl alcohol,Wine,bakers yeast etc
2S: MCBMicrobiology, Biochemistry, Biostatistics & Computers2017-18To learn the characteristics of microbes and how to operate the computer?
3S: MCBMolecular Biology and Genetic Engineering 2018-19To learn gene expression,gene regulation and mutation.To learn basic techniques of genetic engineering and its applications. Understand the genetic recombination in bacteria.
4S: MCBMedical Microbiology2018-19To learn epidemiology,immunology,serology.To learn pathogenic bacteria and other micro organism. Student understand concept of gene,structure of DNA and protien synthesis.
5S: MCBEnvironmental Microbiology & Bioinstrumentation2019-20To learn Air microbiology,soil microbiology & water microbiology.To learn bioinstrumentation. Students study the basic techniques of genetic engineering.Application og genetic engineering in health,agriculture and industries
6S: MCBIndustrial fermentation,Food Microbiology and Metabolism2019-20To learn the scope of industrial microbiology,biotechnology and enzymology. Study of microbial spoilage of foods & preservation of foods.Perform the microbial examination of vegetables,fruits & fast foods. Understand the enzymology & metabolism
BSc.I EnglishBSc.I
Sem-IEnglish I2017-18The students are aqainted with the use of articals, prepopsitions, tense etc. They realise the significans of innate wisdom, changelles before the urban society as wel as they are introduced with different litrerary trends and writing styles. The students are aquainted with use of Language 
Sem-IIEnglish II2017-18Ther pragmatic approach in regard of advertising, making contractsas wel as their scientific attitude towards nature is developed. They are sencitised towards human values of life. 
BSc.I MarathiBSc.I
Sem-IMarathi-I 2017-18विज्ञान विषयाच्या विद्यार्थ्याना मराठी भाषेची गोडी लागते. भाषा अभिरुची वाढल्यास समाज व विज्ञान यांचा समन्वय साधल्या जातो. कथा, कविता, लेख यांच्या माध्यमातून भाषा व समाज याचा अनुबंध कसा असतो हे कळते.मराठी भाषेची समाज व विज्ञान यांचा समन्वय साधल्या जातो 
BSc.I HindiBSc.I
Sem-IHindi-I2017-18विज्ञान के दृष्टी से छात्रो को हिंदी का सामाऩ््य परिचय जिसमे कहानी, आत़्कमकथा, सस़्समरण व़्कयंग निबंध दोहे आदी का परिचय व़्दयवहारीक हिंदी भाषा ज्ञान पत्र लेखन हिंदी निबंध आदि का परिचय हिंदी के साहित़््य विधा का परिचय, विज्ञान के दृष्टी से हिंदी का सामाऩ्ंय परिचय हिंदी का सामाऩ््य परिचय 